About Us

The simple truth is, we do what we truly love to do… we make films.

We make promos, commercials, explainers, virals, music videos, shorts, documentaries… you name it, we do it. What makes us different is, we provide you the best professional work while keeping it within your budget range and that too with a personal touch.

Be it a brand, a project, a product, a work of art or anything, our team will help give it a shape, to help promote it. We treat every project like a unique work of art which makes our clients grow. If you’re looking for someone to take your brand to the next level with the help of creative film content, here we are.

Maybe, you just have an idea of what you would like, Or maybe you already know what you want. Either way, we’re up for it. We can help you develop an idea or run with what you have.

Scrambled Eggs was founded by Rajiv Vishwanathan, who has over 13 years of experience working with some of the top advertising agencies in the world, like Saatchi and Saatchi, Mccann, Lowe, Dentsu, Rediffusion, JWT and Leoburnett. He has worked on brands like Mountain Dew, Mirinda, Sony TV, LG, BPL, Tata Tea, Samsung, Nokia, Toyota, TVS, Airtel and Blackberry amongst others in these agencies. Hence we understand advertising, we understand brands and Most importantly we understand the pressures of advertising in the current world.


Contact Us

Rajiv Vishwanathan
Founder- Executive Producer

email- scrambledeggsproduction@gmail.com

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